Look Into the Dark

Split Lighting: Focal Length: 6.20 mm
Exposure: 1/60 sec-f/1.6-ISO 100


Paramount Lighting: Focal Length: 5.20 mm Exposure: 1/60 sec-f/1.6-ISO 160


Rembrant Lighting
Focal Length: 5.10mm
Exposure: 1/60 sec-f/1.6-ISO 250


Loop lighting: Focal Length: 5.10mm
Exposure: 1/60 sec-f/1.6-ISO 250


1.Which is your favorite portrait photo that you took? Why?

The favorite photo I took was the split lighting picture because I like how you can only see one half of his face and that the other half is completely dark.

2.Which of these lighting techniques do you think you can apply for future picture taking? Explain.

Paramount because the front lighting is the most realistic for a picture and I think I can use it in the future because it is the most basic but reliable technique.

Abe to Adam

Adam Silver as Abraham Lincoln


The statement my piece is making about pop culture is from how Adam Silver and Abraham Lincoln show about being a leader. Adam Silver being the NBA commissioner has a huge responsibility to keep the NBA in order, Abe Lincoln also had to show his power and be leader because he was the President of the United States and had an even bigger responsibility than Silver. I chose this image to use because it shows that Abe Lincoln was powerful and loved. I hope my composite image commincates to the viewer is that is shows the impact both Abe and Adam have as being leaders.

Sean’s Spectacular Shots

Breakfast Sandwich



My advice to a student next year for shooting food portraits is to have patience and to be creative. With food, you can always be creative and not be basic. Take your time with your picture because it gives your mind more time to think and get the best picture possible.

The Element’s from the Eye


Organic Shape.


Geometric Shape.

Space Small Depth.



Space Close Up.

Man Made Line.

Natural Line.


What I enjoyed about the first photography project was seeing new perspectives on taking pictures. I also enjoyed the ways how to take a good picture and how to make a picture look different. This project has opened my eyes more to photography.